Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm sorry, what's going on here?

I've been shopping for a baby crib (finally) for Sadie. We figured that we were going move twice in the first 4 months of her life, and there wasn't much point in getting a ton of furniture. Well, she's been happy in her pack 'n play, but we think it is time to get something a little more substantial. While perusing on-line sites to get a general feel of what our options are, I stumbled upon this gem of a picture. At first glance, I thought, "Hm, nice looking crib." [Looking a little closer.] "Why is the baby coming out of the crib like that? Is the parent in the crib holding the child up?"
Imaginary board room decision:
Photographer: Here is, I think, an excellent way to show off this fine crib. The baby is happy, the colors are rich, lighting, simply perfect.
Executive: I agree with you completely. In no way does this picture look odd. In fact, lets post it on our home page, to show people the quality and craftsmanship people can expect from us. We have a keen eye and sharp attention to detail.
I think the rest speaks for itself. Also, if anyone has been particularly happy with their crib, please share details.


BJ and Alexis Gremillion said...

That is super weird! Maybe they are trying to advertise that it is a really strong crib. It can hold both mother and baby. haha thanks for sharing that!

b.liz said...

That's hilarious! My first thought after glancing at the photo: "Is that their baby, Sadie?" but now I realize it's super creepy! It almost looks like they took one photo (from a more appropriate place, like a couch) and superimposed it with the crib.

I love checking your blog to see your beautiful round baby girl. Soooo cute!

JenSwen said...

That's hilarious! Good eye, Karen. I also thought the baby was Sadie at first.