Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Here's a video we just took yesterday. I'm not sure if Sadie appreciates the part that's supposed to be fun about peekaboo, but she's enjoying herself all the same!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009


We've been taking a lot of videos and pictures that I need to post, so here they are. Children are naturally suspicious of the camera, so if it seems like most of the videos are taken from weird angles, that's why.

Sadie in her cute little tennis dress from Aunt Carolyn

Just having a grown-up conversation with Dad.

6 months offically!

Play time! This is usually right as Ryan gets home from school.

This is a look that Sadie reserves just for Ry. It's when they "sing" together. Sadie just coos along.

Videos. By no means feel obligated to watch all of them. They're mostly for grandparents anyways.