Friday, December 5, 2008

I give!

Being the big Seinfeld fan that I am, thinking about starting our own blog made me think of the sound Jerry makes whenever he gives in to some stupid idea ("Aaallriiight!"). I have been meaning to do this for a very long time, but felt that I would not have adequate news to keep it updated enough. Having recently-ish found out that Ryan and I will be having our first child in March, I feel like news will start coming along, probably all too fast now.

A little bit about our family: Ryan and I are graduating this April from BYU. I'm getting my degree in Exercise Science and Ryan is finished with his Russian degree and getting a minor in Business. It will be a little tricky to finish school off with a one month-old baby, but we'll manage! Ryan is currently in the process of applying to Law school, so we could really end up anywhere in the continental U.S. (though I wouldn't say no to law school in Hawaii--I won't hold my breath).

I'm still new to having my own blog, so this make take some tweaking before I get it as I want it. I agonized over the URL name for way too long. If you find our blog, let me know how to link ours to yours!



Flora said...

Karen and Ryan - Good start to the world of blogging! We'll be looking forward to updates on your cute family!!! Love you lots!

BJ and Alexis Gremillion said...

Yay! I'm so excited you guys have a blog now! I can't wait for your cute baby girl to get here! It's been so fun to hang out with you guys over the holidays!