Ryan had a merciful 3 1/2 weeks off from school for Christmas this year, so we really took advantage of our time together. We spent Christmas in Arizona (still getting used to 75 F on Christmas day!) with all the Sandstrom family there. Christmas eve with Ryan's family means the big dinner, a small talent show (Ryan and I played a duet), and a recreation of the nativity.
All worked up for Santa!
Christmas day. She cottoned on to the present thing pretty quick.
Sadie with Grandma Walker on Christmas day. The expression is the best.
Because we had so much time off from school, and because Mom, Dad, and Rachel were so close to us in Utah, we went up to see them for a few days (along with Laura and Ben), and got to stay at the Checketts' cabin out by Park City. It was amazing to be out there in such a quiet wilderness; it really was so beautiful. I secretly hoped we would get snowed in. It was a really nice, short, trip. We also got a chance to see Bri and Jess for a few hours, our friends in PG who just had a baby, as well as stop to see Grandpa Sandstrom and Lynn. Thanks again Mom and Dad! I'll leave it up to those responsible (Rachel) to post our pictures from there.
Sadie and Great-Grandpa Sandstrom
Sadie and Lynn
New Year's Eve at the Checketts' cabin. I'm ashamed this is the only picture we have inside the cabin.
After we got back from Utah, we still had a 10 days to relax. Ryan and I had a checklist of things to do, and I think we hit all of them, except go see Avatar and play some tennis. Ryan got in his round of golf, I got in my returns and shopping.
This was taken in Arizona. I came in to get Sadie from her nap, and I found her giggling madly, lying on her side like this. She thought it was "haha" funny, I thought it was worth a picture.
I'm going to throw on this last picture because I think the crooked smile in it is hilarious! Enjoy the video below.